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Чёрное на чёрное не даст бeлoгo (цвета) // Не следует считать, что повторением дурного поступка или ответом злом на зло можно добИться добра.

"You are talking like а fool again," she interrupted angrily. "Confusing the issue." "I thought I was clarifying it," he protested. "And anyhow, what is the issue?" "The issue's me, you, real life, happiness. And you go chattering away about things in the air. Like а fool!" "And what about you?" he asked. "Are you such а clever one at real life? Such an expert in happiness?" ... Helen sighed, then, squaring her shoulders and in а tone of resolution,''Т- blacks don't make а wЬite," she said. "Besides, l'm my own affair !" (Huxley)

Bill. I'm going to Kennintahn, to spit in Todger Fairmile's еуе. I bashed Jenny Ill's face ; and now I'll get me own face bashed and come Ьасk and shew it to er ... That11 make us square ... is that fair or is it not? Youre а genlmn : you oughter know. Barbara. Тwо black eyes wont make one wЬite one, Bill. (В. Shaw)